
UseYourVote Campaign

Use Your Vote supporters may post events pertinent to the campaign here without charge, provided that they are open-access and free-to-attend.

Pay-to-attend events may be advertised here for a fee, provided a mutually agreed pricing agreement is in place.

Organiser: Breslin Public Policy
Event: Use Your Vote Parliamentary Launch
Time and Date: 6.00pm Tuesday 1st March 2016
Venue: Portcullis House, Palace of Westminster
Host: Ben Bradshaw MP

0330 660 0525 Like on Facebook LinkedIn Follow on Twitter  

UK General Election

Takes place on
Thursday 4th July 2024


"Voting is the lifeblood of democracy and participation the glue that binds a healthy society! Our vote is our voice: healthy communities, societies and democracies require us to use it!"
Dr Tony Breslin, Director, Use Your Vote and Breslin Public Policy Ltd
Unlock Democracy
Transform Education

Did you know?
The Welsh National Assembly consists of 60 elected members. They use the title Assembly Member (AM) or Aelod y Cynulliad (AC).