UseYourVote Campaign

Why do I need to register to vote?

Anyone wishing to vote in a local or national election, or in a national referendum, in the UK must be registered to vote. By registering to vote you place yourself on something called the electoral register. If your name is not on the register, you cannot vote.

Requiring individuals to register to vote ensures that only those who are legally entitled to vote are able to do so, and it ensures that people do not abuse the system, for instance by casting more than one vote (or the allowed number of votes) in a particular election or referendum.

You can check whether you are on the electoral register by contacting your local Electoral Registration Office.

Who can register to vote?

In England and Wales, you can register to vote from the age of 16. In Northern Ireland the minimum age is 17, and in Scotland it is 14.

The minimum age for voting in any kind of election in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is 18. In Scotland, the rules are slightly different. You may vote in Scottish Government elections from the age of 16, but must wait until you are 18 to vote in elections for the UK Parliament.

Residents of the Isle of Man, Jersey, Guernsey and the Channel Islands are able to vote from the age of 16.

Anyone wishing to register to vote must also be a citizen of the UK or Republic of Ireland. Registration is also open to qualifying British Commonwealth citizens, that is, those who have leave to enter or remain in the UK, or do not require such leave.

A small number of people are not eligible to vote in UK elections. These include convicted prisoners serving their sentence and anyone convicted of corrupt practices in an election over the previous five years. Members of the House of Lords are not eligible to vote in a UK general election, but they can vote in local elections and in elections for the Welsh or Northern Ireland Assembly, or the Scottish Parliament.

How do I register to vote?

You can register to vote in a number of ways:

Online, via the GOV.UK website; go to the home page, and enter register to vote in the search section. This service is not open to people living in Northern Ireland where registration can be made through the Electoral Office of Northern Ireland,

By post, completing a voter registration form and sending it to your local electoral registration office. Voter registration forms are available from your local electoral registration office or downloadable from the website.

Over the telephone, with your local electoral registration office, who can take down the information that you provide.

When registering to vote, you will need your National Insurance number and, if you are a British citizen living abroad, your passport.

How often do I get to vote?

If you are registered to vote and a citizen of Britain or the Republic of Ireland, or a qualifying Commonwealth citizen, you may vote in all local and national elections, or referenda.

A general election – in which MPs are elected to Parliament – is held every five years. The next UK general election is due to take place in Jul 2024.

However, if an MP dies or resigns, a local by-election will be called to choose their replacement. This normally takes place within three months of the seat becoming vacant.

The frequency of elections for local government currently varies from one part of the country to another. Some voters can vote only once every four years, others may vote in an election every year.

Local council arrangements differ from area to area. In some areas, there are local mayors that are elected in separate elections and, in all areas, local people are invited to vote for a Police and Crime Commissioner for that area.

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UK General Election

Takes place on
Thursday 4th July 2024


"You need to exercise your right to vote"
Adekunle Olulode. Director, Voice4Change England
Wake Up Foundation
Good Egg Productions

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The London Assembly has 25 members