
Use Your Vote is a Breslin Social Impact project

Associates and Consultants

Membership of our Associate and Consultant Team is by invitation. Our Associates and Consultants work with us on a freelance basis. Where you approach a member of the team as a result of identifying them on our site, we do not take any ‘cut’. We are also happy to broker introductions without charge. If you engage Breslin Public Policy on a project, we will draw on this team or on associates of equal calibre.

Employment Opportunities

Any employment opportunities are advertised on this website and visible on every page through the Vacancies button. We are absolutely committed to delivering and being able to demonstrate equality of opportunity, to open recruitment processes and to enabling colleagues to fulfil their potential.

Internship Opportunities

Any internship opportunities are advertised on this website and visible on every page through the Vacancies button. We are absolutely committed to delivering and being able to demonstrate equality of opportunity for interns. We use the same recruitment and selection practices as we do for employees. Within the organisation interns enjoy equality of status with employees, associates and consultants and are valued in the same way, a reality evidenced by the professional entitlements and the day-to-day treatment that we extend to them.

We are determined that internships should be fixed-term, non-exploitative and developmental for the intern concerned. We will only engage an intern when we believe that the internship will be as beneficial for the intern as it is for Breslin Public Policy. In any case, we meet all travel and work-related expenses. Where a project is funded, we pay the London Living Wage.

We expect interns to secure valuable experience, to make a meaningful contribution to our work and to earn an excellent reference that aids their future progression. Serving interns are guaranteed an interview for any employment opportunity at Breslin for which they are judged to meet the person specification.

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UK General Election

Takes place on
Thursday 4th July 2024


"You should use your vote because access to decision making is rarer than many think"
Sylvan Baker. Director, Potential Energy
Unlock Democracy

Did you know?
There are 129 Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs), of which 73 are constituency MSPs and 56 are regional MSPs.